Hello ppl
As discussed in our first class, all students sitting for final exam THIS YEAR should submit a research work called WEBQUEST: A COMPILATION OF PRONUNCIATION RESOURCES.The guide with the corresponding instructions is already at Carpe Diem and Fotocopiadora CEHumanidades as well.
Thank you.
Take care.
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18 comentarios:
Susan, can we sit for the final on July 5th if we pass both midterms?
Classes finish on the 8th. We´re supposed to submit lista de aprobación de cursada the following week. That means, information related to the marks of the subject will be available at División Alumnos after that date.
can you leave the photocopy at Humanidades? because I have the photocopy scholarship. Thank you
Hello Tania!
I sent them a copy by e-mail, they should have it. If not, I will send it again..
Best, Laura
Laura, are we having our regular TP class on monday at 8am? or are you taking oral exams that day? thanks!
Hello Nancy!
Sure, pls check the entry "Dates for Second Oral Mid-term Exam" which Richard posted on June 13.
Best, Laura
Laura, do we have classes on Tues from 9 to 10?
Hello Antonella,
Pls check the "Oral Exam: Tuesday 28" entry that Susan posted on the 17
Take care,
Hello Susan, I´m Gisele and I sat for the mid-term test last tuesday. could you please post the marks on the blog?.. as there´s no classes tomorrow from 10 to 12.
thank you
As soon as I have them,I´ll let you know.
do we have to go to the lab this wenesday and TP class this Friday?
susan, today Richard said thats the marks will be ready on Thursday.
all of us have to wait until thursday for the marks? or only the ones who sat for the exam today?
Why shouldn´t you attend your class?
Please! check the blog for classes. See if YOUR class schedule is affected by exams!
Susan, as you suggested me today i already check the date for the written make up exam, today you said that marks might be available for thursday, are you going to post them here? I also wanted to know if the written make up exam is going to be from 2pm to 4pm or from 3pm to 5pm, i got confused with it. thanks!
On June 7th entry (Mid-term 2/Make-up 2, you´ll find the complete schedule.
Debido a la toma de la facultad hasta el jueves 30 inclusive, podran subir las notas del teorico y el dictado por el blog? ya que no podremos entrar a la facultad por la toma; y esperar hasta el viernes, conciderando que el lunes es el recuperatorio, es algo arriesgado para quellos que tiene que rendir mas de un examen. Gracias
Students who sat for the mid-term last week want to know our marks. You said you would post last friday or monday. We need to know if we have to sit for the make-up as soon as possible.It is unfair for those who sat for the mid-term last week to be aware of our marks nearly two weeks after it.
Hola a todos
Agradeceré -como ya indiqué en varias oportunidades- que los alumnos que suban comentarios den sus nombres. Todos nos debemos hacer cargo de lo que escribimos.La cátedra no responderá más mensajes anónimos.
Por otra parte, agradezco las sugerencias, pero cuento con experiencia suficiente para saber cómo se debe proceder en estas situaciones que NO son inherentes a la cátedra.
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