martes, 4 de octubre de 2011
Mid-term exam 1: marks
Hello Ppl
The following results correspond to your written exam both theory and transcription respectively.
Exams will be shown ONLY on Tuesday 11th from 9:30 to 11:30 am, at Sala de Reuniones , Fac. de Cs de la Salud y Servicio Social (nivel siguiente a MM1, pasillo al fondo,aula frente a Fotocopiadora del Centro de Estudiantes) and Wednesday 12th from 8 to 9am, Sordelli's schedule.
Thank U.
Aguilar,Paula BS BS
Alaimo, Agustina
Altamirano, Brenda P- P
Alvarez, Macarena BS BS
Aranda, Natalia BS P
Avila, Hernán
Baessato, Yésica P BS
Baez, Yésica P- P
Berardo, Belén P BP
Comán Ughi, Pablo BS BS
De Simone, Lucía BS BS
Decristóforis, Antu Malen P BP
Echeverría, Ayelén BP BP
Esperón, Mercedes BP BS
Gagliolo, Ayelén P- P
García Pediconi, M. Florencia
Giletto, Angelina P P
Gogniat, M.Victoria
Gomez, Paula P- BS
Gonzalez, Natalia BS BS
Giusti, Leandro BS BS
Irisoa, Verónica
Jaraba, Carla BS BP
Laclau, Julieta BS BS
La Torre, Cecilia BS BS
Lodato, Carlos
Lunda, Romina Silvia P- BS
Luzzi, Braian BP BS
Maidana, Diego P- P
Mamani Torrez, Calribel BS P
Martín, Giselle P P
Martínez Ezoyo, Victoria
Martínez, Juan
Martínez, María.Pía
Martínez, Rocío
Menendez, Rocío BS BS
Miralles, Melisa P- P
Moreyra, Natalia P P
Orcajo Rocha, Lucrecia BS BS
Pérez Catán, Josefina BS BS
Perez, Eloisa P- P
Pietrangelo, Agostina P P+
Pugliese, Agustina BS BP
Ramírez, M.Florencia P BP
Renzi, Irene BS BS
Ribolta, Jennifer P P+
Rogan, Paula
Rojas, Cecilia P- BS
Romera, Juan Cruz
Sardá, Luciana P- P
Sanchez Guzmán,A. BS BS
Saracho, Samantha BS BS
Solis, Daniela P- P
Suarez, Cristian P- P
Torresel, Luciana P+ P
Venditti, Vanesa P BP
Villalba, Bárbara BS BS
Vouilloz, Mauricio BS BP
Zanabria, Lara BS BS
Zugasti, Denise P- P+
D’Ambra, Juana BS BS
Pricoli,Silvina BS BP
Cutrera, Romina P- BS
Castro, Virginia P P
Rabini, Carolina P- BP
Covello, Florencia BS BS
Hansen, Brenda
Nuñez Mentasti BS P
Striebeck, Camila P+ P
Godoy , Santiago P P
Martin, Florencia
Ruseckaite P P
Zalazar BS BS
Sokolovsky,María BS BS
Kauand, Brenda P P
Ercolano, Delfina P- BS
Exams will be shown ONLY on Tuesday 11th from 9:30 to 11:30 am, at Sala de Reuniones , Fac. de Cs de la Salud y Servicio Social (nivel siguiente a MM1, pasillo al fondo,aula frente a Fotocopiadora del Centro de Estudiantes) and Wednesday 12th from 8 to 9am, Sordelli's schedule.
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8 comentarios:
sorry,but we can not realize which marks belongs to whom
It´s two marks per student, after each surname.Unfortunately, the blog system configures the list incorrectly.
So make up is on 17? Same topics?
Who am I answering to dear anonymous student?
Sorry, but there is one missing mark for me. I don't know if it correponds to the theory or the dictation.
You´re right Malen. My mistake. Sorry. It´s a Passs for theory and a BP for the transcription.
the topics for the make up of the
theory,will be the same as for the 1st mid term exam?
A make up exam always evaluates same topics, this is the reason why it is called make-up (meaning that the test will compensate for wrong answers or concepts).
Take care,
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