martes, 31 de marzo de 2015


Debido al paro de transportes, la Prof Sordelli no dictará clase el día de la fecha

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

Paro de actividades martes 31/03

Dear sts

I'm posting information about Tuesday's strike.


PS I' m not delivering my Tuesday lesson.

A la comunidad de la Facultad de Humanidades:

con motivo del paro de actividades que algunos gremios han previsto para el próximo martes 31 de marzo, las autoridades de la Facultad de Humanidades informan que, en la medida que no funcione el transporte público de pasajeros, no se computarán las ausencias de alumnos, docentes y personal administrativo.

Cordiales saludos
Equipo de gestión FH

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015


hi students! remember you need to take your material every class, it´s very important that you work with your own material make sure you got the right things for each class, as different teachers usually work with different stuff this week (2morrow Wed) we´ll b working with a handout named "first week", which should b including, among other things: homophones, minimal pairs and silent letters also, make sure that u check the blog every day thank u!!! Laura

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Welcome to the blog !

Dear students

This is a virtual channel of communication between Phonetics & Phonology I teachers and students. Try to consult it periodically, since important information and last minute news will be posted here.

Thank you!