miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008


Hello students,

This is what we did today:
* Introduction to STRESS: brainstorming, the nature of stress (D Jones), word and sentence stress (general rules).
* "Clusters": apply sentence stress on paper, recording of dialogues 59/66
* Exercise material (p392): Judge place of articulation of mouth diagrams and draw missing parts
* Stress section (p13): Match dictionary entries with definitions (words with primary stresses)Reading assignment for next class: from Teaching American English Pronunciation, "Connected Speech" chapter: Placement of stress in sentences, from "Suprasegmentals..." chapter: Stress/unstress
Thank you,

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

hi susan!

I wanted to konw if there are classes with you on Monday 6th from 12 to 14 since I am not very sure because of the oral make-up exam.