martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

New guide for mid-term oral exam 2

Dear sts As presented in our opening class, you´ll find a new guide at Carpe Diem for the analysis of a film. The guide "Last Chance Harvey" has to be prepared for your second mid-term oral exam. Do it in advance on account of the queries you can have. We´ll be ready to answer questions in class if you have doubts about it. Thank U. Take care, Susan

4 comentarios:

Luciana Torresel dijo...

I wanted to know where can we buy the movie .. I mean .. are you going to leave a copy at CEH (in that case when will you leave it) or we have to buy it in another place on our own .. Thank you!

Susan dijo...

You download it for free.Read the guide pls!


Eloisa dijo...

Susan, i can't attend your theoretical classes because i'm working. I wanted to know if you're gonna ask us about the activities in the guide. I also wanted to tell you that i asked downstairs for the guide and they told me they didn't have it so i went to carpe diem, did you leave it at xerox room too? I already have it but maybe it'll be useful for my classmates to know. Thanks.

Susan dijo...


You must prepare the full guide in order to answer about the activities in it.

Take care,
