viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th lessons

Hello ppl I´m taking make-up exams on these days, but on Tuesday from 11 to 12am, we´re having class as usual.Those sts from the Monday group who can join us for practice on Tuesday will be welcomed. Thank U! C U Susan

5 comentarios:

Samantha dijo...

The midterm was on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th. Do you mean Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th?

Student dijo...

Susan, when are you going to post the theory/ dictation marks? Or are you going to tell us on tuesday? Thank you

Susan dijo...

Yes, sorry!I meant Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th.

Susan dijo...

I´ll be posting them Wednesday at the most.

Thank U.

Susan dijo...

Yes, sorry!I meant Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th.