sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008

An interesting mail from a mate of yours

Hello everybody
Here is a mail from a mate of yours.
Hi Susan, I send you an e-mail because I really do not know how to use the blog. Here's the blog of JC Wells, where his latest comment is about allophones, the glottal, the dictionary; the article is called Explicitness in Transcription, there are other things that can also be interesting. If you want to post it for me, I would be pleased!
Have a nice weekend and happy spring!


Solange Valerio
Happy student´s day!


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

About the oral exam, we were wondering if we have to pronounce the names of the characters like they are pronounced on the tape or if we have to prononce them like they are on the dictionary. Because we found different pronounciations on the dictionary. Thanks!