domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008


Students are expected to hand in three out of four transcription sets this term. Transcriptions are not compulsory to pass the course, however they will be part of every student´s personal portfolio along with lab feedback sheets and attendance records. As for all transcriptions, new words should be looked up in the dictionary and mistakes marked in a different colour.

SET # 1: (Sept 15/17) Transcribe four 200-word passages of YOUR CHOICE. Include bibliographical references as in: Woolf, V (1996) Mrs Dalloway. London: Penguin (please kindly attach an ordinary spelling copy)

SET #2: (Oct 06/08) Allophones: transcribe the texts below and mark the appropriate diacritic on fortis plosives. Sounds English (Unit 8: task 2.2.a, Unit 9: task 4.1.a, Unit 10: task 2.a)

SET #3: (Oct 20/22) Provide a 100-word passage about your last weekend activities in Spanish and transcribe featuring main consonantal allophones using the IPA FONTS in your computer (please kindly attach an ordinary spelling copy)

SET#4: (Nov 10/12) Produce a 200-word transcription of a passage in English featuring all the allophones you have learnt in the course (please kindly attach an ordinary spelling copy)

Have a good week!

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