domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009


“English Phonetics & Phonology I”
Third Set of Transcriptions
Prof Laura Sordelli
Submission Date: May 18

· Transcribe a text of your choice using phonetic symbols from an IPA
font software that can be downloaded from the Internet for free and print it.
. Attach a copy of the ordinary spelling text (about 250 words)
· Please correct your work with a red or green colour pen.
· Use the pronunciation dictionary for carrying out corrections.
The font is already installed in a couple of machines at the Computing Room, next to the lab.

Best, Laura

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I have a question. The oral exam consists only in the five minutes talk or do we have to read a text from the BBC, like last year?
thank you

Anónimo dijo...

Hi teacher!the text I have for transcribing is more than 300 words,is it right? or it must be shorter?THANKS!

Laura dijo...

A 300-word long text will do...
Best, Laura

Laura dijo...

You only have to prepare the five-minute talk...

Anónimo dijo...

Hi!!What happens if I hand in the transcription with my own handwriting? I don't know what option of all the ones that appear is the you know a specific web site?